Batch Convert Images using ImageMagick

I am using ImageMagick 6.4.1 convert.exe feature to batch convert multiple files. Usually this is from TIF to JPG or even a large JPG to a smaller size. Here is what I have so far:
1. Open cmd and cd “C:Program FilesImageMagick-6.4.1-Q16”
2. convert c:tempfile.tif c:tempfile.jpg (this works)
3. or go into directory containing files to convert
4. mogrify -format jpg *.tif (AHA! This preserves file names!)
I just used this mogrify command to batch resize.  However, it OVERWRITES the originals, so keep that in mind.
5. mogrify -resize 1024 *.jpg
ImageMagick Install:

Gallery2 Ebony Theme

Well, I have struggled with the ebony theme, but finally figured most of the quirks out. For some reason, the slideshow doesn’t work with only this theme, so I just disabled it. I really, really, really like the look with the reflections, so I’ll live. Slideshow didn’t work in the Gallery2Beta I had installed before anyway. Then I had to figure out Dynamic albums with URL_Rewrite and figure out how to edit my server apache config files. I should have kept better notes. Most Viewed and New additions links in Gallery2 work now (in the sidebar) as does download cart in ZIP (very cool). XP Web Publishing Wizard isn’t working (very cryptic error…) but I managed to mount the db with webDav, so who cares?! Something about how many ways there are to skin a cat… Oh, and I think I got the RSS Feed to work.